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Merge Tags

What are they and what do they do?

Richie Kendall avatar
Written by Richie Kendall
Updated over 8 months ago

In your Goodworld platform, merge tags are dynamic placeholders that can be used to personalize communication with your community. These tags automatically pull specific information from your database, making it easy to customize emails, letters, and other forms of communication.

The following list provides definitions for all available merge tags, ensuring you can leverage these tools effectively to enhance user relationships and streamline your fundraising efforts.

Transaction Merge Tags

Amount: Total amount of the donation.

Campaign: Campaign associated with the donation.

Event: Event associated with the donation.

Fees: Total fees deducted from the donation.

From: Name of the individual or entity making the dedication.

Fundraiser: Name of Fundraiser associated with the donation.

Gateway Fees: Fees charged by the payment gateway.

Net Amount: Net amount received after fees.

Online/Offline: Indicates if the donation was made online or offline.

Page ID: Unique identifier for the page.

Paid Amount: Total amount paid.

Paid Fees: Fees deducted from the amount paid.

Paid Net Amount: Net amount paid after fees.

Paid Tip: Tip amount included in the paid amount.

Payment Method: Method of payment (e.g., credit card, PayPal).

Payments: Details of payments made.

Platform Fees: Fees charged by the platform.

Promocode: Promotional code used during the transaction.

Promocode Discount: Discount amount applied from the promotional code.

Recipient Address: Address of the dedication recipient.

Recipient City: City of the dedication recipient.

Recipient Email: Email address of the dedication recipient.

Recipient First Name: First name of the dedication recipient.

Recipient Last Name: Last name of the dedication recipient.

Recipient State: State of the dedication recipient.

Recipient ZIP Code: ZIP code of the dedication recipient.

Recurring ID: Identifier for recurring donations.

Selected Tip: Specific tip amount selected by the donor.

Source: Source from which the donation originated.

Source Type: Type of source (e.g., email, social media).

Status: Status of the transaction (e.g., completed, pending).

Team: Team associated with the donation.

Tip: Tip amount added by the donor.

Transaction ID: Unique identifier for each transaction.

Type: Type of transaction (e.g., one-time, recurring).

UTM Campaign: UTM parameter for the campaign name.

UTM Content: UTM parameter for the content type.

UTM Medium: UTM parameter for the medium of the traffic.

UTM Source: UTM parameter for the source of the traffic.

UTM Term: UTM parameter for the search term.

Contact Merge Tags

Address: Street address of the donor.

Anonymous: Indicates if the donor chose to remain anonymous.

City: City of the donor.

Covered Fees: Indicates if the donor opted to cover the fees.

Created By: User who created the record.

Date: Date of the transaction.

Dedicatee First Name: First name of the dedicatee.

Dedicatee Last Name: Last name of the dedicatee.

Dedication Comments: Comments related to the dedication.

Dedication Message: Message included with the dedication.

Dedication Sent At: Date and time the dedication was sent.

Dedication Type: Type of dedication (e.g., in honor of, in memory of).

Department: Department associated with the user (if applicable).

Donor ID: Unique identifier for the donor.

Donor Note: Note left by the donor with their donation.

Donor Type: Type of donor (e.g., individual, organization).

EIN: Employer Identification Number of the organization.

Email: Email address of the donor.

Employee ID: Employee ID of the donor (if applicable).

First Name: First name of the donor.

Last Name: Last name of the donor.

Phone: Phone number of the donor.

State: State of the donor.

ZIP Code: ZIP code of the donor.

Fund Designation Merge Tags

Designation: Name of the designated fund or purpose of the donation.

Designation ID: Unique identifier for the specific designation or fund.

Designation Tags: Tags associated with the designation for categorization.

Internal Code: Internal code assigned fund designation

Platform Merge Tags

Alias: The name of the platform (typically your Organization name)

Understanding and utilizing these merge tags can significantly enhance your communication with donors by ensuring that messages are personalized and relevant. By integrating these tags into your donor management practices, you can create more meaningful interactions, foster stronger relationships, and ultimately drive more successful fundraising efforts.

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