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Platform Overview

Learn what you need to get started giving.

Richie Kendall avatar
Written by Richie Kendall
Updated over 3 years ago

Getting Started

Welcome to your new giving platform!

Here you’ll get an overview of the platform and links to helpful pages such as optimizing fundraising tools and a getting started checklist.

In this article you will find an overview of :


The first page you’ll see when you log in is your dashboard. The dashboard gives you a snapshot of the funds you’ve raised so far. You will see a numerical and graphical depiction of your funds. It’s a great place to check progress and get an overview of your impact!


This should be your first stop when you’re getting set up. The Settings tabs is home for all your branding, integrations, email communications, and administrative permissions. We recommend configuring these settings before moving on to other areas.

Basic Settings: Customize your page to fit your brand. Control settings like colors and logos.

Payment Settings: Customize what type of donations are available on your platform. Choose from one-time, recurring, payroll, and SpareChange donations.

Custom Attributes: Enable further customization of gifts such as dedications, notes, GiveCards, and anonymous giving.

User Fields: Customize the information you collect from donors from sign up and donation forms.

Integrations: Integrate with all your desired platforms. Track web traffic by connecting webhooks, Google, and/or Facebook Pixel analytics. You can also connect to your Salesforce database.

Advanced Settings: Access your platform’s hosting information. Be careful not to change the settings before consulting with your platform administrator! You can also change the horizontal logo in this tab.

Emails: Set up automated email communications. Make sure the messages accurately reflect your voice before you launch any fundraising campaigns. The emails will be sent automatically!

Roles: View or manage active and pending Admins. You can invite new Admins by entering their email address—they’ll receive an email invite that prompts them to create an account.


In the donations tab, you can view the real-time donation feed, mange refunds, track transaction details, and export a report.


Manage your donor and lead data using the contact tab. Search for a particular contact or filter between these two categories.

Profile: Click the dotted icon on the right side of the data table to view a contact’s profile. From their profile, you can view, edit, and manage the contact’s data (email and physical address).

Contact Activities and Settings: Every contact profile has an Activity and Settings tab. The activity tab shows real-time donation info for the contact. The settings tab shows the contacts profile, donation, and payment settings.


Recognize employees using rewards like GiveCards.

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