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How to Create a Campaign Page
How to Create a Campaign Page

Create a campaign in just a few simple steps!

Richie Kendall avatar
Written by Richie Kendall
Updated over 3 years ago

Find everything you need to create an engaging and impactful campaign!

Create a Campaign Page

  1. Go to the Campaign Pages tab of your dashboard then click the Create New button.

  2. Name you Campaign Page.

    • Remember that the name you chose will be reflected in the Page’s URL.

  3. Use our template editor to create a unique and engaging Campaign Page.

    • Hero Image: Upload a high-resolution image for your company Hero. We recommend using a dark image to ensure the text overlay is legible.

    • Texts Block: To edit text on the Page, simply click the desired text. Visit the Action Icon in the bottom right of your screen to add or move text blocks on the Page.

Action Icon

Add Things: Add a variety of features to your Page including images, videos, section dividers, and more. You can also use the code feature to upload customized code blocks.

Move Things: Use this feature to move any item or feature on your Page.

Resize Things: Shrink, enlarge, or change any section, image, or column to create a Page layout that is right for you.

Edit your Form

Your Campaign Page can be used in many ways. Customize the Page Settings to control the information you present and collect within the form.

Basic Settings: Choose what type of form you want for your Page. Choose between donation form (default), campaign form, event form, or no form at all. In this section, you can also edit colors, logo, button text, and fund designation.

Designations: Want to give donors options? In the Designated Funds Field, enter more than one non-profit, event, or campaign. This will show donors a drop-down menu where they can donate to the cause they’re most passionate about.

Payment Settings: Select what type of donations you’d like to receive. Choose from one-time, recurring, payroll, and SpareChange donations.

  • This section is not available on Campaign Pages with event forms or no form.

Custom Attributes: Add custom fields, checkboxes, or paragraphs to collect additional information. Ask donors to make a dedication, enable anonymous giving, or include a gift sharing process. These fields will appear on the first screen of your form.

  • Additional fields in this section will be associated with the gift or purchase, not the individual donor or contact. To customize information associated with a contact, visit the User Fields section.

User Fields: Customize the information you collect from each contact. Collect basic information such as first name, last name, email address, and password. Create additional fields for additional information such as address or phone number.

Form Title: If SpareChange is the only payment accepted, we recommend changing the title to a call to action. This can be done in the User Fields section.

  • Examples of Titles: “Donate Your Spare Change or “Round Up for the Cause”

Share Your Page

Save your Page, click Copy Link, and share away! You can copy a sharing link for any Campaign Page by selecting the vertical dot icon to the right of Page name and by clicking Copy Link from the drop-down menu.

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