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How to run campaigns with your team

Richie Kendall avatar
Written by Richie Kendall
Updated over 3 years ago


Mobilize your employees for good. Challenge them to reach a goal in support of important causes by creating engaging fundraising campaigns.

The Campaigns feature can be used for almost any fundraising purpose i.e. peer-to-peer (P2P) campaigns, friendly competitions, department or team fundraising, event-based fundraising, partnership fundraising and more.

Key Features: Live donation tracking, recent donations listing, linkable campaigns, team fundraising capabilities, flexible nonprofit lists, campaign-specific sub-admins, customizable communications and branding.

Create a New Campaign

  1. Visit the Campaigns tab in your dashboard and click the Create New button

  2. Enter your fundraising goal

If you are creating a P2P campaign, enter the goal you’d like each individual to raise.

  1. Add a headline

  2. Select the fund you’re raising money for

  3. Provide a description

If your campaign page is a template for P2P fundraisers, be sure to write your copy accordingly. Each individual will be able to customize and edit the description.

  1. Upload a banner image

Don’t worry, you can edit your campaign’s headline, description and image later on.

Campaign Settings

Now that your campaign is created, you can do some fine-tuning:

  • Basic Settings

Control branding (logos, colors and ID’s), visibility, fund designations, social sharing and more. Preview changes to your form on the right side of the screen.

  • Payment Settings

Select and customize the donation types accepted on your campaign form. Choose between one-time, recurring, spare change and payroll donations, or any combination thereof.

  • User Fields

The information collected on the second screen of your form will be stored in the Contacts tab of your Dashboard. At its simplest, this step requires an individual’s first name, last name, email address, and a password.

  • Custom Attributes

Collect additional information about the donation by customizing your form. Ask donors if they’d like to make a dedication, give anonymously, or include a gift sharing option. Add a field, checkbox or paragraph to collect the desired data.

Marketing Your Campaign

You’ve built the Campaign of your dreams, and now it’s time to introduce it to the world! There are a few different ways to do this, depending on your goals and your target audience. Here are a few general best practices, tips, and tricks to help you get started!

Sharing a Campaign

-[Campaigns tab - Options]- highlight “Copy Link”

There are several ways to share your Campaign. The first is to simply pull the link from your Campaigns tab via the drop-down menu to the right of the Campaign name. You can also get this link from the URL bar when editing your Campaign.

From there, you’ll want to craft a compelling message to tell your target audience why they should support your Campaign and the nonprofit(s) it benefits. Common methods of disseminating your Campaign link and call-to-action include email, social media, e-newsletters, and/or posting flyers with a QR code or text-to-give code that will take viewers to your Campaign page.

Sharing a “Create Your Own” Campaign

-[Campaign - Parent]-

After you’ve created your template Campaign, you’ll want to make it as easy as possible for fundraisers to create their own Campaigns. You can share the Campaign itself using the methods outlined above; however, if you want to take it a step further and make it even easier for fundraisers to get started, click the “Create your own Fundraiser” button on your existing Campaign page.

-[Campaign - Child]-

The next screen that comes up may look familiar - It has the same format as the one you saw when creating your Campaign, but the data you put into your template Campaign has been auto-populated! This makes it a cinch for your fundraisers to craft their own Campaign using your suggestions, while still customizing it to make it uniquely theirs.

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